Healthy Living
At Oasis Academy Pinewood we are committed to promoting specific healthy life styles choices such as healthy eating and physical activity. We support not only the children’s academic achievement, but also their physical, emotional and social development. We believe that a happy, healthy, safe and caring environment is a precursor to raising achievement and attainment. Encouraging healthy choices around food and physical activities contributes to this.
Healthy Living in the Curriculum
Food stuffs are often used for the demonstration of concepts and to make the content of lessons relevant and engaging to pupils e.g. understanding fractions in maths, money management, drawing up tables to record surveys related to food, physical and activities, reversible and irreversible changes in science. In PSHE lessons, children are taught about healthy food choices and the relationship between diet and physical activity and the importance of both.
In Early Years and KS1 we teach the children about healthy food choices through discussions about where food comes from, what keeps us healthy and what foods we should eat in moderation. Children also have the opportunity to eat healthy snacks and participate in cooking activities through the year. In KS2 the children participate in cooking lessons which promote healthy choices, teach about where food comes from and the various ingredients needed to make products
Each week children participate in P.E. lessons which build on their skills and stamina. The importance of teamwork and taking turns is promoted through playing a variety of games as well as learning to be a good sport. After school sports clubs run every evening with different year groups.
Academy Lunches
Meals are planned on a three weekly rota and changed termly to give variety and healthy choices to our children. Our provider, Sodexo, work alongside us to ensure that a range of foods are offered and children have the opportunity to try new things. Find out more by visiting our Academy Lunches page.