
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Settling in to Nursery

At Little Robins we believe that children's transition into the Academy is the key to successful lifelong learning. We understand the importance of ensuring that children feel safe and secure and believe that the best way to do this is to work together to ensure that every child gets the best possible start. Our induction procedures in the Early Years ensure that children are given time to build solid relationships with adults and their peers and to settle into their new unfamiliar surroundings.

Settling into our Nursery

We know that starting Nursery can be unsettling and we want to make the process as easy as possible for both you and your child.

Home Visits

We know that this first meeting is one of the most important parts of beginning our relationships with your child. It is important that this first meeting should take place in familiar surroundings. Many children will be coming away from home for the first time when they start school and we want them to feel safe and secure with the new adults they will be working with. During our visit we really want to know all about your child and to gain an understanding of how best to support them settling successfully into the Academy.

Family Induction Session

You will then be invited to a Family Induction Session (Teddy Bear’s Tea Party) where you will have the opportunity to see the Academy’s facilities and resources and most importantly it will be time for the children to explore their new surroundings alongside their family. During the visit there will be plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions and you will be encouraged to play alongside your child.

Your Key Worker

All staff and in particular your child’s Key Worker will endeavour to help you and your child feel at home and staff are always available should you have any questions or concerns.

A key worker is allocated to your child after they have started and settled into our Nursery. The key worker’s main duties will be to assist the child to settle in:

  • Introducing the parents/carers to the nursery
  • Talking with parents/carers
  • Keeping a special watchful eye on the child in the first few sessions
  • Assisting the child to integrate and settle well into the nursery environment
  • To provide for the emotional needs of the child e.g. to comfort and reassure the child at any time.
  • To care for the child’s physical needs e.g. to assist with toileting or snack time as appropriate.
  • To identify the child’s needs and incorporate them within the curriculum, ensuring that account is taken of race, culture, religion, language and family values.
  • Observing, keeping records and monitoring the child’s progress.
  • Liaising with parents/carers, encouraging them to contribute expertise.
  • To develop a day-to-day rapport with parents/carers, informing them of their child’s activities and achievements and being available, at the beginning and end of each session to answer any questions or concerns.
  • To contribute information about individual children to the planning of the nursery curriculum framework whilst respecting confidentiality as necessary.
  • To liaise in conjunction with parents/carers and with statutory/professional personnel as necessary

Whilst your child is assigned a key worker, you and your child can talk to any member of the Early Years staff.